Speaking engagements and activities
Mr Nils Bokström at the 2nd International Integrative Medicine Conference in the Ballroom at Hilton Hotel, PJ Kuala Lumpur during 4-6 October 2019. Mr Bokström spoke about the terpenes and the entourage effect in medical cannabis.

Dr Janethy Balakrsihnan speaking at the 2nd World Congress on "Homeopathy & Traditional Medicine: zero molecule to macromolecules" which was held in Bangkok, Thailand at Holiday Inn Sukhumvit, during November 2-3, 2019. Dr Balakrishnan spoke about the health benefits of saturated fats and how she has been using it in her clinical praxis to reverse patients with the metabolic syndrome (dyslipedimia. high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abdominal obesity etc).
Mr Nils Bokström gave a key note lecture on "Clinical insights in using ancient oils for metabolic management" at the International Conference on Emerging trends in science and Social Science (ICETSSS 2019). Dr Janethy Balakrishnan was the local patron for this event.

Mr Bokström giving a lecture at Mensa Malaysia about the development of the human brain and the necessity of animal products in our diets. The human brain was dependent on animal products to develop into this fantastic organ. And we need to continue to provide it with nutrients during our life time. One easy way to provide the brain with appropriate nutrients is to use animal products. There are other ways also, but they will for sure need supplementations.

Dr Balakrishnan and Mr Bokström together with all speakers at the Inaugural Integrative Medicine Conference at the Ballroom in the Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia February 11-12 2018.
Dr Balakrishnan, being the president of AIMM, giving the opening lecture at the IIIMC 2018 at the Majestic Hotel. It was the first integrative medical conference and we where honoured to be recognised by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.